Your trusted Landscaper
Dallas - Fort Worth
Mon-Sat: 08:00 - 6:00

Watering your lawn and is the key to preserving its lushness and beauty. Our irrigation experts carefully design your sprinkler system to ensure maximum coverage to your lawn. Whether you are looking for a brand new irrigation system to maintain your lawn or the replacement of a sprinkler head in your current system the experts at Rico Landscaping DFW are one phone-call away.


This is not a simple question either as different plants have different needs. Plus, you want your watering to be as effective as possible and ensure the most vibrant landscape possible. This post is all about the types of irrigation systems for your landscape. The following irrigation systems are discussed:

  • Lawn sprinkler system
  • Drip irrigation system
  • Rain catchment, drip irrigation

Lawn sprinkler systems are the traditional go-to for landscape irrigation. Sprinklers are great when you have a large swath of plants of the same sort. Thus, sprinklers are great to use on grassy lawns.



With all the rain that accumulates, your landscape can easily flood in spots. Our experts will identify these areas design a drainage system that works for you. So you and your family can easily access any part of your outdoor space without puddles or serious water damage to your landscape.




Key Benefits of the Service

Watering your lawn and is the key to preserving its lushness and beauty. The experts carefully design your sprinkler system to ensure maximum coverage to your lawn. Whether you are looking for a brand new irrigation system to maintain your lawn.

  Extend your home with a beautiful garden
  Your property value increases many times initial value
 Aesthetic garden beauty that improves with age
  Allround certified and insured landscapers
  Our Landscapers attend annual training seminars